词条 | 業障 |
释义 | 条目業障(业障)拼音yè zhàng 注音ㄧㄜˋ ㄓㄤˋ 業障 词语解释解释 ◎ 业障yèzhàng (1)[evil creature;vile spawn]∶佛教指妨碍修行的罪恶 (2)[a term of abuse formerly used by the elders of a clan cursing their juniors]∶长辈骂不肖子弟的话 (3)[money]∶借指金钱 应伯爵因记挂着二人许了他些业障儿,趁此机会好向他要。——《金瓶梅》 ----------------- 国语辞典
英语 karmic hindrance (buddhism),karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment,(term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn,(fig.) money 法语 Karma 業障 网络解释业障 (佛教) |
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