词条 | 戴盆望天 |
释义 | 條目戴盆望天拼音dài pén wàng tiān 注音ㄉㄞˋ ㄆㄣˊ ㄨㄤˋ ㄊㄧㄢ 戴盆望天 詞語解釋解釋 ◎ 戴盆望天dàipén-wàngtiān [work blindly;try to discover the mystery of the sky by covering the head with a tub] 頭戴盆子而想看天上。比喻行動跟目的相反,願望無法實現(語出司馬遷《報任安書》) 戴盆望天,不見星辰。——《易林·小過之蠱》 ----------------- 國語辭典
英語 lit. viewing the sky with a basin on one's head; it is hard to get a clear view of the sky while carrying a platter on one's head,fig. it is hard to get on in one's career while encumbered by family obligations,one can't perform a major task while bothered by other duties 戴盆望天 成語解釋戴盆望天【解釋】頭上頂着盆子看天。比喻行爲和目的相反,願望不可能達到。 【出處】漢·司馬遷《報任少卿書》:“僕以爲戴盆何以望天,故絕賓客之知,亡家室之業,日夜思竭其不肖之才力,務一心營職,以求親媚於主上。” 【語法】緊縮式;作謂語;比喻行爲和目的相反,願望難實現 戴盆望天 網路解釋戴盆望天 |
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