词条 | 㦸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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㦸 基本解释英语 a lance with two points, a halberd with a crescent -shaped blade; weapons used in ancient times, to stimulate; to provoke; to excite; to irritate, to point with the index finger and the middle finger; to describe angry or an awe-inspiring display of military force, etc., masculine; heroic; brave 【卯集中】【戈】戟·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:8 戟 《康熙字典》(康熙字典未收录“㦸”字头,请参考“戟”字。)【卯集中】【戈】戟·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:8 〔古文〕屰【廣韻】几據切【集韻】訖逆切, 又地名。【戰國策】秦舉安邑,而塞女戟。【註】女戟在太行西。 又與棘通。【周禮·天官·掌舍棘門註】以戟爲門。【左傳·隱十一年】子都拔棘以逐之。【註】棘戟也。【禮·明堂位】越棘大弓。【註】棘戟同。 又【韻補】叶訖約切,音腳。【詩·秦風】脩我矛戟,與子偕作。【揚子·太玄經】比札爲甲,冠矜爲戟。被甲荷戟,以威不恪。 【說文】作 |
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